Certified Big Data Professional

The Big Data Professional track is comprised of BDSCP Modules 1 and 2. Completion of these courses as part of a virtual or on-site workshop results in each participant receiving an official digital Certificate of Completion, as well as a digital Training Badge from Acclaim/Credly.




A Certified Big Data Professional has a proven understanding of Big Data concepts and technologies, and has further demonstrated proficiency in fundamental areas of Big Data, including analysis, analytics, models and practices. Depending on the exam format chosen, attaining the Big Data Professional Certification can require passing a single exam or multiple exams. Those who achieve this certification receive an official digital Certificate of Excellence, as well as a digital Certification Badge from Acclaim/Credly with an account that supports the online verification of certification status.


The Big Data Professional certification track is associated with the following courses and the courses can be delivered via instructor-led training.

BDSCP Module 1: Fundamental Big Data

This foundational course provides a high-level overview of essential Big Data topic areas. A basic understanding of Big Data from business and technology perspectives is provided, along with an overview of common benefits, challenges, and adoption issues. The course content is divided into a series of modular sections, each of which is accompanied by one or more hands-on exercises.
The following primary topics are covered:
– Understanding Big Data
– Fundamental Terminology & Concepts
– Big Data Business & Technology Drivers
– Traditional Enterprise & Technologies Related to Big Data
– Characteristics of Data in Big Data Environments
– Dataset Types in Big Data Environments
– Fundamental Analysis and Analytics
– Machine Learning Types
– Business Intelligence & Big Data
– Data Visualization & Big Data
– Big Data Adoption & Planning Considerations
Duration: 1 Day

BDSCP Module 2: Big Data Analysis & Technology Concepts

This course explores a range of the most relevant topics that pertain to contemporary analysis practices, technologies and tools for Big Data environments. The course content does not get into implementation or programming details, but instead keeps coverage at a conceptual level, focusing on topics that enable participants to develop a comprehensive understanding of the common analysis functions and features offered by Big Data solutions, as well as a high-level understanding of the back-end components that enable these functions.
The following primary topics are covered:
– Big Data Analysis Lifecycle (from business case evaluation to data analysis and visualization)
– A/B Testing, Correlation
– Regression, Heat Maps
– Time Series Analysis
– Traditional Enterprise
– Network Analysis
– Spatial Data Analysis
– Classification, Clustering
– Filtering (including collaborative filtering & content-based filtering)
– Sentiment Analysis, Text Analytics
– Processing Workloads, Clusters
– Cloud Computing & Big Data
– Foundational Big Data Technology Mechanisms
Duration: 1 Day

  • There are no formal prerequisites for the certification exam

You can take exams anywhere in the world via Pearson VUE testing centers, Pearson VUE online proctoring and Arcitura on-site exam proctoring at your location.

  • Complete the exams for BDSCP Modules 1 and 2.
  • Complete the partial version of Exam B90.BDP.
  • Achieve any other BDSCP certification. (The Big Data Professional accreditation is automatically issued upon obtaining any one of the other BDSCP certifications, because they all encompass Modules 1 and 2.)

    • High-impact learning with case studies
    • Delivered by certified instructors
    • Targeted learning for real projects

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